JSPagedLoop component loops an iterable list of values and allows you to immediately jump to a particular page index within the overall data set without page submit.
The component also allows you to add hidden items which can be displayed by clickin the "Add" link (again, without form submit).
Parameters of the component :
To component can be passed set of block parameters: "empty" and "bottomBlock". "empty" block will be displayed when value collection is empty. "bottomBlock" will be displayed instead of the Java Script "Add" link when all additional rows are visible.
<div t:id="pagedLoop" t:type="equanda/JSPagedLoop" source="1..10" value="current" volatile="true" index="index" rowsPerPage="2" additionalRowCount="2" addRowLinkTitle="Add" objectCreatorDelegate="prop:this">
<t:parameter name="empty"></t:parameter>
<t:parameter name="bottomBlock">
<t:equanda.formactionlink t:id="Add">Add</t:equanda.formactionlink>
<p>Current loop value is: ${current}</p>